Our Value Creation Model

Lindéngruppen aims to have positive impact and create shared and sustained societal value through our companies.

Our pioneering Value Creation Model quantifies our economic, environmental and social impact. By actively implementing the model in our governance and operations, we aim to enhance our business performance and positive societal impact over time.

The model is an important tool for us in integrating broader value creation into the Group’s governance. Incentive schemes and Group company budgets are increasingly linked to it. It is also factored into all investment decisions. We are continuously refining the model and gradually integrating it into our companies’ operations and value creation.

By including economic, environmental and social considerations when measuring value, we can:
- Drive transformation and contribute to a sustainable world.
- Make more informed and responsible business decisions and optimise resource use.
- Create stakeholder value and more meaningful dialogue.
- Better understand the risks and opportunities of our business.
- Promote accountability and transparency.
- Inspire others by demonstrating leadership in value creation.

The methodology

The model quantifies Lindéngruppen’s societal value creation by adding or subtracting externally-validated science-based economic, environmental and social costs and benefits to financial earnings. It encompasses 12 areas that we have identified as having the most significant impact on our overall value creation, six of which are scientifically monetisable. Those that are not, are marked with*. The methodology for calculating societal benefits and costs can be found here.