Lindéngruppen Sustainability Report 2019


Our sustainability report present how we integrate relevant social, environmental and economic priorities into our business and across the companies in our group. 

Lindéngruppen publishes its third annual sustainability report. During 2019 all our businesses have made important progress. Two of the companies have revised their sustainability strategies, further sharpening their focus on delivering on their own commitments and in line with Lindéngruppen’s ambitions as owner.

Our aim is to continuously become more transparent with how we work and where we have our positive and negative impacts. This year we therefore clarify the opportunities, challenges and progress made within each of our four purpose priority areas; Capital, Governance, Competence and Empowering positive impact.

During 2019 a number of sustainability KPIs have been included in our internal quarterly reporting. This step to make the social and economic value creation equal to the financial performance is also reflected in the sustainability report.  

We are continuously developing the report to make it more accessible. One step taken this year is to use images that our businesses and commitments use in their marketing or other daily operations. Hereby we can benefit from the great work of our colleagues and make the report a truer representation of the companies. The cover image is for instance a picture of the Lamba Festival blanket by the Begg & Co brand of Moorbrook Textiles.

Read more about our way of working to create positive impact in our 2019 Sustainability Report.